Have you ever wondered of having a superpower of seeing through the walls? If yes, then you will really like our new toy. Just take a look!
The truth hides in the light. During the project, specific ranges of the electromagnetic radiation light spectrum are identified in the laboratory and in field conditions. This allows to see and track the levels of mineral nutrients and water in oat plants. Laboratory research and chemical analysis of plants will allow to determine the peculiarities of the spectrum of light reflected by oats at different growth stages in the presence of water scarcity, as well as to solve complex problems of nutrient supply of crops in the presence of different soil properties.
Ok… How does the magic happen?
So what..?
The project establishes reliable correlations between the chemical composition of oat plants (microelements, macro elements, water) and images of the same plants recorded by hyper spectral video cameras.
We have already developed a unique technology that can determine the supply of mineral nutrients to plants from the image of the plant (can you believe that?). Now, based on this technology, a precision crop production system is being developed. It includes crop monitoring, analysis of remote and laboratory research data and the development of a plant diagnostic-agrochemical model.